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Ben Wielockx Group

Hypoxia pathway proteins in health and disease

Portrait Ben Wielockx

All cells in our body depend on an appropriate oxygen pressure (pO2) to function. That’s why an inadequate oxygen supply (=hypoxia) is a prominent feature in various diseased tissues. During the past decade, research in our group is focused on unraveling the influence of hypoxia pathway proteins (HPP) in physiological and pathological conditions, including cancer, inflammation, and a variety of processes in the bone/bone marrow environment, especially hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) maintenance. In parallel, we are studying other fundamental questions related to HSC fate decisions as a consequence of external stress and in the context of the bone marrow niche.

Three graphics illustrating the current projects running in the Wielockx lab
Overview of the current projects running in the Wielockx lab

Future Projects and Goals

  • HPP and Bone Marrow. Defining the impact of HPP in blood vessel activity, and HSC/bone homeostasis.
  • HPP and Metastasis. Characterizing the role of HPP in disseminated cancer cells and stromal cells on colonizing and propagating during metastatic processes.
  • HPP and Wound Healing. Unraveling the influence of HPP on keratinocytes, blood vessels and leukocytes, during the different phases of wound healing.
  • HPP and adrenal gland. Identifying the effect of HPP in adrenal cortex, medulla, and beyond.

Methodological and Technical Expertise

  • Inflammatory mouse models
  • Hematopoiesis
  • Tumor biology
  • Mouse genetics


since Jan 2022
Director of the Experimental Centre
MTZ/MITS, Faculty of Medicine, TU Dresden

since Feb 2020
University Professor
Institute of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine, TU Dresden

Heisenberg Professor (DFG)
Institute of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine, TU Dresden

Emmy Noether group leader (DFG), Inst. of Pathology, TU Dresden

Postdoc in the ECBP group, Inst. of Pathology, TU Dresden

Postdoc at the DMBR-VIB, Ghent, Belgium

PhD in Biotechnology, Ghent University, Belgium

Selected Publications

Ibneeva L, Singh SP, Sinha A, Eski SE, Wehner R, Rupp L, Kovtun I, Pérez-Valencia JA, Gerbaulet A, Reinhardt S, Wobus M, von Bonin M, Sancho J, Lund F, Dahl A, Schmitz M, Bornhäuser M, Chavakis T, Wielockx B*, Grinenko T*
CD38 promotes hematopoietic stem cell dormancy
PLoS Biol. 29;22(2):e3002517 doi: 10.1371/journal.pbio.3002517 (2024)
(*equally contributed as last authors)

Rauner M*, Murray M, Thiele S, Watts D, Neumann D, Gabet Y, Hofbauer LC, Wielockx B*
Epo/EpoR signaling in osteoprogenitor cells is essential for bone homeostasis and Epo-induced bone loss
Bone Res. 13;9(1):42 doi: 10.1038/s41413-021-00157-x (2021)
(*corresponding authors)

Sormendi S, Deygas M, Sinha A, Bernard MLM, Krüger A, Koutzelis I, Le Lay GM, Sáez PJ, Gerlach M, Franke K, Meneses A, Kräter M, Palladini A, Guck J, Coskun Ü, Chavakis T, Vargas P*, Wielockx B*
HIF2α is a Direct Regulator of Neutrophil Motility
Blood, 137(24):3416–3427 doi: 10.1182/blood.2020007505 (2021)
(*equally contributed as last and corresponding authors)

Watts D, Stein J, Meneses A, Bechmann N, Neuwirth A, Kaden D, Krüger A, Sinha A, Alexaki VI, Luis Gustavo Perez-Rivas, Kircher S, Martinez A, Theodoropoulou M, Eisenhofer G, Peitzsch M, El-Armouche A, Chavakis T, Wielockx B
HIF1α is a Direct Regulator of Steroidogenesis in the Adrenal Gland
Cell Mol Life Sci. 78(7):3577–3590 doi: 10.1007/s00018-020-03750-1 (2021)

Ramasz B, Krüger A, Reinhardt J, Sinha A, Gerlach M, Gerbaulet A, Reinhardt S, Dahl A, Chavakis T, Wielockx B*, Grinenko T*
Hematopoietic stem cell response to acute thrombocytopenia requires signaling through distinct receptor tyrosine kinases
Blood. 134(13):1046–1058 doi: 10.1182/blood.2019000721 (2019)
(*equally contributed as last and corresponding authors)


Institute of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine
Faculty of Medicine
Fiedlerstraße 42
01307 Dresden, Germany

Tel: +49–351–458–16260