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Regenerative and Degenerative Biology

Regeneration is the renewal of degenerated or lost cells, tissues or organs within an organism. Such regenerative processes are mainly based on the action of specific stem or progenitor cells that possess the capacity to proliferate and differentiate into the required cell-types. In Dresden the mechanisms of regeneration and stem cell function are studied to understand general principles of cellular and tissue repair with the aim to use this knowledge to develop novel therapies. Diverse strategies for in depth genetic, molecular and cellular analysis are used to dissect fundamental pathways of tissue regeneration. Animals with high regenerative capacities are utilized to understand intrinsic mechanisms of regeneration as models to induce tissue repair also in mammals. Additionally, the controlled expansion and directed differentiation of stem cells towards specific target cell-types is assessed to develop cell replacement strategies for currently incurable diseases.

© Sandoval Guzmán Group

Research Groups


Marius Ader

TUD CRTD Development of cell-based therapies for the treatment of retinopathies

Currently Recruiting (call is closed)

Darja Andreev

TUD CRTD Resolution of Inflammation and Tissue Regeneration

Michael Bachmann

HZDR Tumorimmunology

Elias Barriga

TUD PoL Biophysical Mechanisms of Morphogenesis

Catherina Becker © Magdalena Gonciarz

Catherina G. Becker

TUD CRTD Neural Development and Regeneration

Michael Brand

TUD CRTD, TUD PoL Development and Regeneration of the Vertebrate Brain

© TUD CMCB, Magdalena Gonciarz

Adele Doyle

TUD PoL Mechanobiology of Stem Cells

Björn Falkenburger

TUD Medical Campus, DZNE Cell biology of neurodegenerative diseases

Anthony Gavalas

TUD PLID Stem Cells in Pancreas Development and Disease

Alexander Gerbaulet

TUD Medical Campus Hematopoietic stem cell homeostasis and regulation


Mike Karl

DZNE, TUD CRTD Unraveling mechanisms of neuronal degeneration and regeneration in the retina

Franziska Knopf

TUD CRTD Biology of bone regeneration


Nikolay Ninov

TUD CRTD, TUD PLID In vivo regeneration of β-cells as a future therapy for T1D

Currently Recruiting (call is closed)

Natalia Rodríguez Muela

DZNE, TUD CRTD Selective neuronal vulnerability in neurodegenerative diseases

Tatiana Sandoval Guzmán

TUD PLID, TUD Medical Campus Vertebrate tissue repair and regeneration

Michael Sieweke

TUD CRTD Stem Cell and Macrophage Biology


Maximina Yun

TUD CRTD Regeneration of Complex Structures in Adult Vertebrates